Wednesday 31 August 2011

New Exhibit coming soon :)

Hopefully will have  a post- degree show exhibit coming soon in liverpool city centre :)

200 postcards to send this week also looking into potential sponsors to take this project further !!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Wait and see :)

Hello everyone,

Just to say thank you for submitting all your proposals and that a meeting will be arranged in the next few weeks to consolidate ideas, some of you may have already had emails about colaborating with other artists as with a few ideas it noticeably stood out that they would amalgamate well. With the ideas submitted it would be great to make the show as a whole a form of large colaboration; each standalone piece creating part of an entire scene.
 The meeting should provide a good opportunity to work out elements of colaboration and consolidate ideas, please let me know of any dates that you are unavailable to help me organise the most suitable time for everyone.

Thank you,


Sunday 14 August 2011

Still no news :(

No news about Willow gallery as of yet , other than they are sorting out the proposals . Will be keeping up to date ....

More exciting things to look at ... 

Review of exhibition

News from Tate modern ...

FROM MORNING TILL NIGHT – New commission by the artist Kateřina Šedá Mass choreographic action Tate Modern, London
Date of the event: Saturday 3 September 2011, 06.00-20.00 Deadline for applications: Wednesday 17 August 2011 by 17.00 (extended deadline)
Description of the project:
For this new large-scale project staged in the surroundings of Tate Modern, the artist Katerina Šedá has invited 80 people from the small village of Bedrichovice in the Czech Republic to London. By asking the villagers to re-enact their everyday actions in this alien environment, Šedá aims to explore the conventions and behaviour that unify and divide these two disparate places.
Katerina Šedá was born in 1977 in Brno, Czech Republic. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague and the School of Applied Arts in Brno. Šedá has exhibited widely in several group exhibitions, including this year’s Venice Biennale, at WIELS Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels and Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Turin (2011) and recently had solo-shows at Cubitt Gallery, London, Kunstlerhaus Bremen and Museums Sheffield.
Katerina Šedá would like to invite 70 artists of all ages to take part in this action, to be performed on Saturday 3 September 2011 in and around Tate Modern. The artists can be either professional or amateur, and should be based in London or the UK.
Working from a photo to practice from in the lead up to the event, the artists will be required to paint or draw in a realist manner a scene from the Czech village that has been chosen by Šedá. Participating will also be instructed on the specific location where they will be based on 3 September 2011.Who are we looking for:
770 artists of all ages, male/female. In particular those who specialise in realist or landscape painting, or who are comfortable and happy to paint or draw in a realist manner for a whole day on Saturday 3 September 2011. Please note that you do not need to be a professional artist, amateurs welcome.
All formats and materials welcome. Please be willing to provide your own materials (and easel if needed).
Expectations of the role:
You need to commit to participate in this action for the whole day on Saturday 3 September 2011, from 06:00 to 20:00 (please note that not everyone will need to start at 06:00). We also request that you are able to attend one meeting at Tate Modern prior to the action (either Thursday 1 September or Friday 2 September, date tbc).
If you take part in the project, you need to be willing to donate your work to Šedá, as this forms an integral part of the commission. In exchange, you will be credited on all promotional material related to this project.
What we are offering:
A unique opportunity to take part in an exciting new work by the Czech contemporary artist Katerina Šedá, organised and commissioned by Tate Modern,
Breaks will be provided and free lunch available. Please note that there is no car parking at Tate Modern.
To take part in this project:
To make an application for this voluntary position, please send your CV (with your mobile number), a short covering letter, with a picture of one your works ‘in a realist manner’ (low res) to: Please also confirm your availability for either 1 or 2 of September.
The closing date for the return of completed application forms is Wednesday 17 August 2011, 17.00.
Please DO NOT APPLY if you cannot commit to the full day of the action on Saturday 3 September 2011.

Sunday 7 August 2011

website up and running!!!

Wish me luck !

I am still waiting to hear from the willow gallery for exhibit in January fingers crossed!! I have purchased 500 postcards so hope to get the project back on track :) I will be soon launching a website you can purchase my zine/magazine from so keep checking in ...

Amie x

Thursday 21 July 2011


Amie Cooper

Brief 2 proposal

I would like to present a collection of car/automobile themed postcards that have been found and sent back to their original owners, with a response of how it felt to receive the postcard again and the story of the car pictured. I would present them scattered on a wall including the responses which could be email, letter or phone conversation.

I am also a keen photographer and would like to include in the exhibit a series of photographs of abandoned cars around Liverpool as I think this is a theme related to the postcards but also to the exhibit environment.

Saturday 9 July 2011


I will begin the next project by collecting more postcards but concentrate on collections of cars ! I will send them back to their original owners with a letter asking if the image on the front of the postcard (some sort of car!) meant to them and why that postcard was chosen ! I aim to send about 150 postcards in a hope to get enough responses for Willow Gallery exhibit .

As the postcards will be a theme for the exhibit I hope to take my work further by adding photos of abandond cars from around the North west .

Thursday 7 July 2011

Busy past few weeks

I have been researching for new projects which I will be posting soon , I have turned to photography lately using red scale film . For the willow art project exhibition I am going to visit some galleries in Liverpool for   inspiration and scrap and junk yards and take loads of videos and photo's . This exhibit is testing my creativity as I have not worked towards a brief in 3 years !!

Saturday 2 July 2011

the new brief for 2012

TORQUE – an Exhibition at the Willow Gallery, Oswestry January 2012.
Who: emerging and established artists from around the West Midland and Welsh Border region
Where: The Willow Gallery, Oswestry, Shropshire
What: Sculpture/installation and wall hung work in any media, specifically created for this show
When: 06 January-07 February 2012:  Deadline for proposal submissions: 30 July 2011.

The Show:
The Gallery occupies the site of a former Peugeot dealership; for many years it was the ‘Roy Evans Garage’ and locally is still fondly remembered as such. With this in mind the central idea for the show is to revert the gallery to the appearance of a car showroom, thus creating surprise and intrigue. This focal display will be supported by further works inspired by the notions of ‘The Car’ and ‘The Showroom’. Applicants may choose from two briefs which largely correspond to the two main gallery spaces. There is also limited external space. Under the overall title ‘TORQUE’, the works should be inspired by notions such as:
·       The machine as Art.
·       Art as a machine.
·       Juxtaposition of gallery and showroom.
·       Transportation: Mind/matter.
Brief 1:
In the gallery space that was formerly the showroom, there are 5 car display bays in which we would like artists to create work that uses the body of a car as the starting point. Real car bodies may be stripped down/deformed/crushed as relevant to the artists’ idea, or artists may want to create a ‘car body’ from unconventional materials. In support of these pieces we would also like artists to create works inspired by showroom graphics and décor – the common conceptions of a car showroom. It is important that this display presents the first impression of a ‘real’ car showroom with ‘real’ cars.
There are essentially two parts to Brief 1: car based, and décor based. If any artists would like to respond to both we ask that they please submit their ideas as separate proposals.
Brief 2:
The other gallery space, known as the Dunbabin Room, and the rest of the site, will display work inspired by the same core ideas, but these pieces may take any form or media and do not have to resemble the shape of a car. 

Saturday 25 June 2011


After the degree show I recieved great comments about my work , I will be carrying the project on and buying more postcards , but will also be aiming to work in The Willow Gallery in Wales for an exhibit in January and hopefully begin to get my work in a few other places . Images to come!!

Friday 27 May 2011

Show time

Thank you to everyone who has helped me with this project , I enjoyed it very much ! The exhibition is on for another week 10-4 everyday at LJMU art academy if anyone would like to have a look around . I had a fantastic response , couldn't be happier .

Big BIG thank you


Wednesday 18 May 2011

1 week left

1 week to go , i'm going to start putting my work together today and tomorrow hopefully everything will run smoothly ! I will be taking photo's of each stage of the set up of the exhibit .

Monday 16 May 2011

Follow me :) !!

disscusions !

Whilst sorting out the show , LJMU Fine art are trying to come up with a name/theme for the show at the moment it's down to ... Fine , FA!L, or depART. Any comments on this welcome as we could not come to a conclusion today ! 

I have ordered 100 postcards to be comment cards for the exhibition , and I need to make 10 more letters from the responses I have had from my project , then everything will be complete and I can concentrate on my space and putting it all up for the show . 

LJMU have a blog which will have photo's of all the preparations for the show starting today ! I will add the website soon ! 

thank you and please keep commenting :) 


Thursday 12 May 2011

Lorenzo Fusi !!

Lorenzo Fusi is our curator for the show , we start installing next week once we have decided where everything is going to go ! I have received 19 responses now and all will be included in the show.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Website up and running!!!

All artists in exhibition will be added within the next 2 days :) so exciting!!

26th May

My degree show/exhibit will begin 26th May , with a catalogue and website following it . I will be adding details soon !!

Sunday 8 May 2011


I have recieved another letter in uni which I will pick up tomorrow hopefully an addition to the exhibit :)

Monday 2 May 2011

17 responses

I have recieved 17 replys from sending out the postcards , these will now be going into a book and published for my show.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Last responses

After sending out 41 postcards last Monday , It has proven that it was worth it as I had 3 letters sent back to me and a further 3 by email , which I am happy about . They will all be going into a book for my assessments tomorrow . 

I have been thinking about the exhibit and how I will display the responses I want to do it justice so I was thinking about having the letter I sent out with the postcards with 15 postcards , because that's how many responses i've had!! and then of course the replys ! 


Monday 18 April 2011

Finishing touches

This week is all about preparing for my final exam , so please keep commenting and having a look at my photo's. I hope this project will keep going strong and you will all be pleased about the final exhibit .

Big thank you again !!

Amie x

Friday 15 April 2011

Thank you

I would just like to thank everyone who had supported this Blog and project , I have really enjoyed the past few months and hope that it will carry on to be a success  . I welcome everyone to come to my degree show in Liverpool and please keep checking in as I will be posting photographs and future projects on Amie's Fine art Blog  :)

Thank you again


Tuesday 12 April 2011

Last 62 !!

I sent out the last postcards of this project out yesterday 62 in all so hopefully the responses from that will give me enough  to present in the degree show 2 weeks till assessment so i'm concentrating on that now :)

Monday 11 April 2011

Making a book

With this project ending soon I want to make something that I can keep and for people to look through in the Degree show . So I will be printing off all the responses in different fonts and present them with the sent postcards .

Another book will be of the Liverpool images then/now.

For my assessment I will be giving in a Powerpoint presentation , research folder and

Tuesday 5 April 2011

3 weeks to go and I need inspiration !!

I'm begining to panic as I can't think of how to display the postcards successfully !! Need to go to the Tate for an afternoon I think !

Friday 25 March 2011

Degree show

5 weeks left of uni and its all starting to get exciting , thinking of presentation and how my work will be recieved is scary ! I have had a lot on this week so i'm waiting to get paid to send out the 120 postcards but I will do it!

CUC and Waterfront gallery exhibits still on which is exciting and I need to make a powerpoint presentation for my assessments so presure is on ...

Monday 21 March 2011


This week I am planning on sending around 200 postcards ! by Wed/Thurs as this is the best time to send as I send them 2nd class . The postcards then arrive for people to respond over the weekend :)

I hope that the people I have made contact with can enjoy this project and I will be putting more photographs on here soon .

I have got myself some work experience in a school in my area so I will sort that out this week :) one thing of the to do list !

Friday 18 March 2011

Last week !!

Week starting 21st March is the last week of this plan I had to kick start this project and to hope for responses . Now all I have to do is figure out the best way to present these letters/emails and then go from there for the degree show!

Tuesday 15 March 2011


This week i'm hoping to buy 500 more postcards and that's going to be the final ones !
I have 20 more for this week costs so much in stamps ! I will  ring uni tomorrow and see if anyone has wrote to me :) 

I have wrote a letter to the local newspapers so I hope something will come of that and I have a exhibtion at the CUC Liverpool everyone is welcome ! I will be there Thursday night 17th March ! 

Friday 11 March 2011

Weekend is here :)

Today I sent 30 postcards off and have 12 ready for tomorrow , 5 responses now which I am thrilled about.
I have also wrote a letter to the local newspapers help get my project known and hopefully get more responses :) .

I will start to take the photographs this weekend as I start work next week !!

Thursday 10 March 2011

Live performance piece

Amie Cooper

Artist: Gillian Wearing

Year: 1992-1993

Brief discription: The artist says

 “To be asked only to wnte something, anything, presents a challenge and creates a totally different relationship to the person posing the question. The bizarre request to be 'captured' on film by a complete stranger is compounded by a non-specific space; the blank piece of paper, which almost replicates an unexposed film.”

“Perhaps the fascination in the relationship between the person and their slogan is in the confidence or diffidence of the people being 'imaged' in the first place.
This image interrupts the logic of photo-documentary and snapshot photography by the subjects clear collusion and engineering of their own representation.”

How I intend to create my own piece: With my current project I am the subject matter, I research, investigate and experience different outcomes each time. It’s all about communication and responses from members of the public/strangers.
I want to therefore produce photographs/stills from a video of holding up my postcards/collages with people walking past and then using any responses to further my work.

Around Liverpool

19th March

Risk Assessment: Making sure no one takes camera! Falls over tripod.

How I intend to present this piece?

I intend to present it in a book and as a triptych of photographs framed/mounted.

It's a big world out there!

Yesterday I put my work up in the CUC gallery in Liverpool. I have put up my collage postcards and a few original postcards that spoke out to me through the images on the front.

I hope I will get some feedback from this , I have learned to get my work out there and how to do so ! I hope more opportunities come from this exhibit .

My next step is to send more postcards out today and tomorrow and photograph the postcards then/now , and contact the local newspapers to see if they would be interested in photographing my work in the CUC and telling the public about posting the postcards , i'm hoping it will get more people to respond!

I have 2 weeks left of my plan so I can experiment with ideas and after that try to evaluate what is going to be best for my degree exhibit !!!

Monday 7 March 2011

Exhibition is now open !

These are images of my work up in Waterfront Gallery Southport , open everyday 12-4 pm .

The theme is "Fantasy"

2 weeks to go !

Today is my last presentation for my uni work !! I have enough material now to start thinking about presentation for the degree show.

My aims left are ,

*Work experience
*Send 30 more postcards out
*Photograph the original images from the front of the postcards
*20 more collages

So still quite a lot to work on in 2 weeks but it's all worth it!

I have made a small book which will be arriving soon , it is just for me to experiment different formats and themes for the Degree show , I will also use it as extra documentation for this project .

Thank you to everyone who has commented! it has really helped me and I will still be collecting and sending  postcards out over the next couple of weeks :) !

Thursday 3 March 2011

Sent 2/03/10

Yesterday I sent more postcards out so now begins the waiting game again!

I will be Photographing Merseyside in the next couple of days and I have decided to get a mini book made of my own collage postcards I have been making , so I can show what I will be aiming for , for my degree show.

Tuesday 1 March 2011


Today I received another response from last weeks postcards, I am really pleased how this project is going . I will send out a further 22 letters tomorrow this time I have included LJMU address for people with out access to the internet , which I have found in all 3 responses . Whilst waiting for some more emails/letters,  I will begin the next process of presenting the work after I have researched into archives and collections within art and photography. And start to take photographs of where the postcards are from . I will then evaluate this weeks events on Friday for my assessment on Monday 7th .

Making live art!

Thursday 3 March


Hi All,

Lorenzo Fusi will be holding a talk/workshop for you all on the morning of Thursday 3 March. This will begin at 10am in Studio 20. In the afternoon Lorenzo will be in the Main Fine Art Studio to talk to you about your work.

Please be there on Thursday at 10am. This is not optional and a register will be taken.

After this, Lorenzo will be running his seminars with you towards the end of March.

Patricia and I will inform you in good time of the exact times and dates  of these Seminars/Meetings etc.

At your last meeting, Lorenzo suggested a task that he would like each of you to undertake in preparation for your Degree Show. Lorenzo will be happy to clarify any details in his meeting with you on Thursday Morning.

Degree Show Task – Set by Lorenzo Fusi

I would like each of you to re-do/re-enact/re-interpret one seminal (in your opinion) performance by an artist of your choice.

The form and/or modality of the action naturally depends on the project you choose and I will expect to be notified which performance you would like to remake via email by March the 11th. You will need to send me the name of the artist, the title and the year and brief description of the performance of choice - a brief summary of how you intend to do it, where (and to fill out a risk assessment if necessary).

You will each have 15/20 minutes to present your performance when we do the seminars together. This time will include discussion afterwards.

Your performance can be live (but time is tight) or presented as a documentation of what you have already done (in which case I want you to think about how it is best to document a live action and transmit the feelings as well as the information.

You can do it wherever you want (I tend to favour public spaces with occasional or invited audiences) and when you want but the experience has to be presented in class. If it is a durational piece that you want to stage at the faculty or elsewhere (say hours of work) we shall go and see it only for 15 minutes and speak about it when the action is finished.

The important thing will be how to think about this task and to discuss how you think that you can take advantage of this challenge in your practice - and try to relate it to your existing body of work.

Monday 28 February 2011

Success !

I received two responses last night  to the postcards I sent out, I'm excited about this project now there is some hope of responses !! This week i'm photographing my area from the images on postcards and doors , and I will send 24 postcards by Wed this week. My 6 week plan is going well up to now . I now have to decide what is next if I receive more feedback and responses .

Friday 25 February 2011

Waterfront Gallery Southport

Today i'm taking one of my pieces to Southport to hopefully put it up as part of "fantasy" theme , I will then see what things I can find in the charity shops in Southport relating to the postcards . I also need to do ALOT of photocopying !!

I live opposite a church hall , which I think would be a great exhibition space for a few weeks or so . It would be a venue with a lot of people coming in and out . The audience would appreciate local images and themes so maybe I could sell some things too !!

Thursday 24 February 2011

Terminal Convention

This is my letter for work experience in Cork.

Firstly my blog, is a large part of my project where I document my plans/ experiences so I can respond to them in a creative way.

If I had the opportunity, this post would be a great advantage to my work and would enable me to enjoy work experience in the same field I’m working in. I have ambition to get my work out there and this would be the greatest opportunity to make contacts and to experience an exhibition.

Research / work experience I have volunteered at A Foundation with artist Jacob Dahlgren. I felt inspired by the process of working with the artist and this showed through my work. Working outside of the studio is best for me as I feel I am more, free and can travel to different places for inspiration.
Therefore I feel I would be able to work to my best ability for the Terminal Convention. Also visiting Cork would be an amazing opportunity for me as a person, as I will learn to engage with many artists and build confidence in my own work.

I am familiar with Rosa Barba’s work that is listed as one of the artist’s featuring in Cork. I am interested in her use of text “Lost object A” and materials she uses to convey a message. If I was to be chosen I would be able to advance my knowledge of practising artists and begin to have a global understanding of different art/cultures. As a passionate Liverpool artist I create work from where I’m from because I’m proud of it. By participating in an exhibition with people from all over the world would help me gain cultural knowledge relating to my work.

Thankyou for you time

Amie Cooper

More to send !

I'm a bit disheartened that I haven't had any emails as of yet , hopefully the next lot will be more successful, I have found a charity shop that sells postcards in my area so I will be going there tomorrow or Sat :) wish me luck !!

Wednesday 23 February 2011


No responses so far , I have bids on more postcards on ebay so i'll send some more out in the next couple of days !

Day two STILL no responses !!

Saatchi online blog

I am trying to find ways that I can get my work noticed . I try to keep up to date with what is going on in most galleries Saatchi is one of my favourites .

Handwriting insights

a href=""><img src="" width="250" height="150" border="1" alt="Handwriting Analysis"></a><br /> <a href="">What does your handwriting say about YOU?</a>

As part of my research I am going to look into the handwriting on the postcards to see if I can find out more about the person , this is a back up plan of resources if I don't get any responses !

Work experience

Email from 26/2/2010 

The A Foundation are looking for volunteers to work with the artist Jacob Dahlgren on his forthcoming exhibition there. This is a fantastic opportunity to work with a very interesting artist on a major International commission.

Jacob Dahlgren (born 1970 in Stockholm) is an intelligent, amusing and visually fascinating artist, whose life merges with his art.
He has over 1,000 striped t-shirts. His paintings based on them were on display at Galerie Anhava in 2003. Dahlgren eats tinned food and makes gaily coloured pieces of sculpture from the empty cans. He can made sculptures from IKEA clothes-hangers or a relief from disposable plastic cups. Scales, packaging for beef stock or other products, dart boards and crispbread turn into art in his mind and hands.

With each of his works Dahlgren proves to us that everyday life contains material for art. He processes the everyday experience, reminding us that it is worth our while to look around us. In a sense, he still carries on the tradition of constructivism, reforming and refreshing it, and placing it in the present-day context. Dahlgren represented Sweden at the last Venice Biennial and has since then held a solo exhibition at the Henry Art Gallery in Seattle and participated in exhibitions such as "Superabundant" at the Turner Contemporary in Margate, "Stitched and Gathered at the P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center of Moma in New York and "Dangerous Beauty" at the Chelsea Art Museum in New York. At Kiasma in Helsinki he participated in the recent exhibition "Image and After" of works from the collections. Dahlgren has been candidate for the Ars Fennica Prize.

Jacob Dahlgren has made several public works of art in Sweden, and his works are in public and private collections both in Sweden and outside the country.

Ilona Anhava

This was a great opportunity I volunteered to go for 4 days , It was inspiring and gave me the confidence in showing my own work . Because seeing how pieces of wood/boards/books look in the context of an exhibition space helped me realise that I should be getting my own work seen , and it was great to make contacts .

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Research! http://

Another productive day

5 postcards cost 3.50 today and i'm going back on Thurs to buy more , its worth it !!!

Today I narrowed down the postcard search to Merseyside , therefore giving me the freedom to create work , example , Photographs and collages as I can't rely on people responding to my letter. I will still be sending a further 12 a week for the next 4 weeks and see what comes out of it . But the next ones will be based in Liverpool and photocopies not the originals!! With my Uni's address if the reciepient wishes to send the postcard back , which would be great !!!

I've also found this blog about Liverpool postcards

Which I have commented on !!

I have also got in contact with view two gallery in Liverpool to hopefully sell some work there!

Letters should arrive today !!

I am hoping to have a few responses by the end of the week , so I can print them off and begin to decide what to do with them .

Monday 21 February 2011


Eventful weekend , think I may have some work experience lined up for March which will be great , Letters should be arriving today and tomorrow as they were 2nd class!! I have been photocopying my postcards and putting them in a s-book so I can keep track of whats going on ! I think I'm going to make a folder with the same copies in so I can present it to people. Going to buy more postcards ad stamps tomorrow , I'm enjoying the process so far because there is lots going on which is how I work best! I really need to hit the library ! I will also be making more collage postcards this week so I will add some more pics :) .

Saturday 19 February 2011

Posted !!

I have sent off 15 postcards all together now :) and I have started a s-book to document each postcard . I have sent the original postcards within these 15 , as the addresses are not local to me , I will now hunt down postcards that where posted in my area and photocopy them.

Friday 18 February 2011

Getting involved and being productive!

Part of my project is trying to get further in the art world with work experience and getting my work seen , this is another blog which I joined through uni .


Collage Postcards

I have started to create my own postcards from my own memories , using photos and photocopies and drawing on top , this will be a small project whilst waiting for reply's from the letters I am sending today!


This is one process I really enjoy making ,  It's made out of recycled paper and PVA glue on board/canvas. It started as a hobby/therapy as by rolling the paper into sticks it gave me time to think , a lot of people have said it looks like a mini city, which I think fits as i'm in my own little world when it is created.
At the moment I am making a large one like above in white paper and another using magazines .

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Something to aim for !

Placements are available for 5 Fine Art Students to act as assistants to the Palais de Tokyo Artists in the development/installation of their work.  Terminal Convention will be an internationally significant art, film, music and discursive event featuring some of the worlds leading and emerging international artists, musicians and academics. The project takes place 17-27 March 2011, and is set in the former Cork International Airport, Ireland and Cork city centre music venues.

Static will provide flights and accommodation.

If you wish to apply:

1)     Please could you familiarise yourself with the Terminal Convention Project by looking at the Terminal Convention website at

2)     Please could you also familiarise yourself with the Palais de Tokyo’s Pavillon project by looking at their website, and clicking on Pavillon (there is an English translation bellow the French if you scroll down. Also open the pdf. By Ange Leccia and read this too.

3)     Submit a written statement (no more than 500 words) which gives your reasons for wanting this placement, what you can bring to this placement and how this placement will enhance your main Fine Art Practice.

Please submit your applications to Elaine McNeill  by Fri 25th Feb 2011

Tuesday 15 February 2011

The Letter !

Dear Occupier,

I am a student of fine art studying at Liverpool John Moores University.

I came across this postcard (enclosed) originally sent to your address.

I am currently working on an art project towards an exhibition held in Liverpool and would like to invite you to take part. All I need is your response to this letter via e-mail. With a few lines about if you know of the family that received this postcard?  Or you are the recipient? How it made you feel to receive it?

My actual art work is based on archives and memories. No personal information will be passed on.  It is just between us!

This exhibition will be my Final Degree Show and I would really appreciate any response.

If you are interested in attending to see my final piece I will gladly provide details in response of feedback.

Thank you very much for your time.

A.     Cooper

Sunday 13 February 2011

Leading up to week 5 !

As I have set out a 6 week plan , I have bought some envelopes and stamps ,  I just can't decide if to send the original postcard or a photocopy ?????

Friday 11 February 2011

Getting on with it


Today I have purchased 40 more postcards from ebay, only cost £4 all together bargain !! So going to buy some stamps and envelopes and but together a general letter and hope for a response within the next 6 weeks . I'm going to put my email address as a form of contact , this is then something I can archive and show to my tutors for assessment but also a way of documenting my work for any finished pieces.

Thursday 10 February 2011



Today I set myself a target of 6 weeks to try a few ideas out and gain work experience . As a art student I thought that I should be making art 24/7 instead of getting my name out there and experiencing the outside. So after meeting with a local artist today I came up with a plan . 
I collect postcards that have been used/written on as a hobby , which have been sent to people in the uk within the uk and abroad , so my project in now to find the people who live in the house addressed on the back of the postcard and wait for a reply. To back this up I will find the houses locally and take a photograph of their front door which  could be displayed with the image of the front door.
So my first target was to start this blog ! one down 6 to go ......
